Sporting KC Soccer Lockers

In 2015, the design team for MLS Sporting KC’s new training facility and KC-based sports design firm Populous contacted Shield about creating a stunning European-style solid surface locker for a world-class environment.

South Carolina Gamecocks Football Lockers

In 2017, the University of South Carolina and architecture design firm Gensler approached Shield about developing a durable solid surface training locker to complement a total-package investment in the university’s football program. These lockers would replace a recently purchased wood locker that couldn’t hold up to the wear-and-tear of college athletes.

Florida Gators Custom Lockers

Florida Gators Football Lockers

In 2019, The Florida Gators and Florida-based architecture firm Walker Architects approached Shield about creating a custom locker that would serve as the team’s interim training lockers until the Gators’ new $85 million Football Training Center is complete. They would then serve in a gameday capacity following completion of the training center.