
No matter the industry, there’s loads of competition. Colleges compete with universities across the country to recruit the best athletes. Dozens of hospitals in every state try to outdo the others to become the go-to when healthcare problems arise. Retail store after retail store vies for the attention of customers. Amidst the sea of choices, businesses must do all they can to distinguish themselves. Here are a few ways businesses can make themselves stand out in the new year.

Sports teams

In the modern sports world where each team has something better to offer players than the previous, teams must find new ways to stand out and become the top choice.

One way is through amenities. Training facilities, locker rooms and collegiate dining facilities all have great potential. Many teams have tapped into this capacity, adding luxurious hot tubs to their locker rooms and hundreds of the best exercise machines to their training facilities.

Beyond this, though, teams can add safety measures. The Charlotte Hornets, for example, updated its locker room and included solid surface lockers that give players adequate room for their personal belongings while maintaining the high-class feel of the overall environment. Most importantly, though, the material adds a cushion of safety; because it is nonporous, it doesn’t harbor bacteria and germs, which is very important in sports locker rooms where MRSA has proven prevalent. Like many aspects of these new sports facilities, the lockers were a small touch, but it’s exactly those small touches that can make a sports team stand out in the new year.

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